Saturday, January 22, 2011

kids online

My cousin is at trinity college in hartford, ct. yesterday she and about a hundred of her classmates were forced to sit through a seminar on finding jobs in the current market. don't get me wrong, I applaud the school for having the program. one of the final presenters was a so-called young entrepreneur. he goes by @kidcriticusa on twitter. he happens to be thirteen. again, i don't have a thing against this kid. my cousin emailed me a video of his talk and, from what i saw, he is both very smart and completely dedicated. also incredibly mature for someone that age. but he still had no business talking to a bunch of college kids about the job market. 
       parents- look up a recent article in the wallstreet journal titled "why chinese mothers are superior." if you happen to have a smart, unusually mature child, then i congratulate you. encourage their ambitions, tell them how proud you are, give them every opportunity to succeed. what I find absurd is when a child is pushed by blind parents into something they are simply not ready for. this particular kid is going to turn out well, i don't doubt that. but let's not pretend that a thirteen year old with solid computer skills is suited to be an "social media consultant," as he is apparently introduced. 

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